Document 1203 DELWATCH TIPS RR Description: If Delwatch has been enabled and an end-user then compresses his disk he will receive an error message from Delwatch indicating that compressed drives cannot be Delwatched. Because of the dynamic nature of the compressed drive any memory resident delete tracking utility will have trouble with SuperStor. However, utilities such as Diskmap will work on the compressed drive. This type of utility makes a copy of the FAT to use for recovery. Superstor will compress pending delete files so be sure and perform a Delpurge of the pending delete files to remove them from the disk before compressing the drive. It is highly recommended that Delwatch be turned off and the pending delete files be purged prior to compressing the drive. *************************************** Description: Delwatch is also reported to cause problems with Norton's Speedisk and Disk Doctor. This may also be true of other utilites such as PCTools' Diskfix. The applications in question think of the pending delete files as lost clusters or invalid directories. The problem is due to the fact that when a file is deleted with Delwatch the cluster chain in the FAT is left intact and the filename in the directory has the first character replaced with an ascii 07dec. Programs can think of this character as an indication of a corrupted directory entry. **************************************** Description: Because of the way Delwatch keeps pending files some programs may think that they have run out of disk space as they check the disk with a direct call on free space. If this happens just have the end-user perform a delpurge to clear the necessary space for the application and reinstall.